Vaccines are an important part of the preventative care program for your cat.
At Albuquerque Cat Clinic, we use ONLY non-adjuvanted vaccinations when vaccinating your cat. What does this mean for your cat? Adjuvants are irritating chemicals that are typically found in vaccinations. In recent years, questions have been raised about tumors in cats, called fibrosarcomas, that may have been induced by vaccination. These tumors are a very rare occurrence. The non-adjuvanted vaccinations we use are a little more expensive than the adjuvanted versions, but we strongly believe in providing only the best quality of care for our patients. If you are concerned about these risks, we urge you to visit the AAFP website and read the current Vaccine Protocol Recommendations under Practice Guidelines. We will work hard with you to develop a vaccine program for your cat that provides the greatest opportunity for a long, healthy life.
The most common vaccinations we offer and recommend at Albuquerque Cat Clinic are Rabies, RCP and Feline Leukemia.
Rabies is a viral disease that causes infection of the peripheral and central nervous systems. The virus most commonly enters the body through a bite wound, most often from a bat. Rabies vaccination is required by law for all cats, regardless of lifestyle.
RCP stands for Rhinotracheitis (also known as herpes virus), Calici virus, and Panleukopenia (also known as distemper). The RCP vaccination protects your cat from upper respiratory infection and is recommended for all cats, even if they are indoor only.
Feline Leukemia
The virus is spread in the saliva and nasal secretions of infected cats; infection is transmitted through prolonged contact with infected cats, bite wounds, and from an infected mother cat to her kittens. Its suppresses the cat’s immune system, making that cat more susceptible to other kinds of infection and disease. We recommend a series of two feline leukemia vaccinations 1 month apart for all cats under 1 year of age, as this is when they are most vulnerable to infection. In cats over 1 year of age, we will work with you to determine if your cat’s lifestyle puts them at risk, and whether or not this vaccination is appropriate. The experts at the Albuquerque Cat Clinic will discuss vaccinating your cat against Feline Leukemia and give you advice if your cat is already infected. For more information, please visit catvets.com