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Stress Free

Our staff have been trained in ways to reduce the fear your cat may feel while visiting the Veterinary office. We are able to make the experience more pleasurable for you and your cat.

Ways you can help

There are several ways to help reduce stress and keep your cat free of fear when visiting the Veterinarian. We need help from you so everyone has an enjoyable experience when visiting for an exam.

1. Keep the cat carrier out in your home. Take the top off of the carrier and put a blanket or a favorite toy in the carrier. Your cat will see the carrier all of the time and may use it as a hiding spot or a bed. Once the cat is used to using the carrier on a regular basis you can put the lid on the carrier and help get your cat used to the carrier with the top on it. Your cat will be used to seeing and using the carrier so when you use it to take your cat to the veterinary office they will be less afraid and stressed. For more information about making your cat carrier a friendly place, click on the link: Cats & Carriers: Friends not Foes

2. Use artificial pheromones such as Feliway to help calm your cat before their visit. You can purchase Feliway online, at local pet shops or at Albuquerque Cat Clinic. Spray the artificial pheromones on the cat carrier at least 30 minutes before putting your cat in the carrier. The pheromones will help calm your cat and make for a more relaxed trip to the veterinary office.

3. The Veterinary Doctor may be able to prescribe medication for your cat before they visit the office. The medication that may be prescribed will calm your cat and make their visit a more enjoyable one. Call our office at (505) 323-1460 to see if this is a good option for you.

4. Bring familiar objects and favorite treats with you to the veterinary office. If your cat has a favorite blanket or toy put that in the carrier with your cat to make them feel secure and comfortable. If your cat has a favorite treat or food bring that with you to the office so they associate a trip to the veterinarian with something enjoyable.

Ways our Care Team Help

1. Albuquerque Cat Clinic is a cat only Veterinary Clinic. Your cat will not be stressed by having dogs and other animals in the clinic. Your cat will be more comfortable and less stressed without the added noise and smells of different kinds of animals.

2. We will make every effort to get your cat into an exam room as soon as you walk in the door. You can let your cat out of their carrier once in the exam room so they can acclimate to their environment before the exam begins.

3. Albuquerque Cat Clinic staff have been trained in ways to work with your cat to help keep them as comfortable as possible. Each member of the staff understands best practice for managing cat anxiety and ways to alleviate this anxiety. We will do our best to allow your cat to guide the exam and make recommendations on ways to help alleviate anxiety.

If you have any other questions about how to reduce the stress of your cat’s visit, call us at 505-323-1460.